What Happens When You Visit a Walk-In Laguna Beach STD Clinic for Testing
If you are sexually active, it’s vital that you periodically have yourself tested for sexually-transmitted diseases. No one likes the idea of going to a Laguna Beach STD clinic and finding out they have a disease… but the alternative is worse. If you have picked up an STD, it’s not going to go away on its own. You’ll simply become sicker and sicker, even as you spread it to other people.
Of course, that’s the worst-case scenario. If you visit clinics regularly -particularly whenever changing sexual partners- you can catch STDs early, before they become a big problem. Your friendly local Laguna Beach STD clinic wants to make the testing procedure as simple and easy as possible. You’ll be treated respectfully and professionally, and the results are completely confidential.
Here’s what happens.
What to Expect When You Visit a Walk-In STD Treatment Clinic in Laguna Beach
Like most clinics, the process starts by checking in. If it’s your first visit to the clinic, you’ll need to fill out some basic paperwork: name, contact details, medical history, and that sort of thing. This is something you only have to do once, and your clinic will keep your information on file to make future check-ins go more quickly.
Once your turn comes to see a doctor, you’ll be led to a private room. Here, three basic things will happen.
- The doctor will most likely want to discuss your sexual history, particularly if you have had several partners in a short span of time. Please be honest. Your STD clinic doc really has heard everything before.
- Most likely, there will be a physical examination – particularly if your symptoms are physical in nature. The doctor will want to check out the affected areas.
- The doctor will take a few fluid samples for testing. The most common of these are a cheek swab, urine, and\or blood. If you need a blood test, don’t worry – they only need a tiny amount of blood.
If you have obvious external symptoms, such as sores, you will be given a prescription for appropriate medicine on the spot. Your Laguna Beach walk-in STD treatment clinic should have an on-site pharmacy. Otherwise, you should hear back about the test results in a few days.
Then they will help you recover!
Surfside Urgent Care of Laguna Beach
If you suspect you have an STD, please don’t wait. Contact Surfside Urgent Care of Laguna Beach for testing.