What to Expect from the Nearest Urgent Care Clinic
What to Expect from the Nearest Urgent Care Clinic
These days, urgent care clinics have certainly improved, adding more specialized services, staff, and equipment over the years. However, if you have a health issue and are considering visiting the nearest urgent care clinic near you, you might be wondering more about what to expect.
Here, Surfside Urgent Care of Laguna Beach has collected all you need to know!
Visiting an Urgent Care Clinic: The Process
After signing in and providing all of the necessary information to the front desk, you’ll eventually be called by a doctor or nurse, who will perform a thorough check of your medical history and a physical examination. This is to better understand why you’re there and what type of care you may need.
Next, medical practitioners will perform point-of-care tests to certify without a shadow of a doubt what they suspect is wrong with you. Most of the time, such testing is relatively simple and quick and could include a flu test, checks for sore throats, diabetes, etc. For those who have suffered muscular or bone injuries, you may be also asked to have x-rays taken at this point to determine the extent of your injury. For more advanced issues, such as blood clots, kidney or gallstones, you may be asked to undergo an ultrasound as well.
Other Services & Procedures
If you have lab work done that isn’t urgent, your urgent care clinic may order some of these tests to be performed at a later date. This is often done to test things such as your blood count, kidney function, and other bodily processes. The medical procedures walk-in urgent care clinics are able to perform are comprehensive and often include setting bones, draining abscesses, splinting simple fractures, suturing, and much more.
Those with more serious issues that can’t be treated by an urgent care specialist will be referred to an emergency department better equipped to handle such care and testing.
Looking for the nearest urgent care? Look no further than Surfside Urgent Care of Laguna Beach!
Contact us online today to learn more about our services or call (949) 715-7278.